And that he is! I love Bill O'Reilly. Except for a glimpse when passing by a television eight years ago, I have never seen the man. Really. Heard of him, for a brother watches Mr. O'Reilly's show, "The O'Reilly Factor" every night. That's how I began hearing the name. I became curious. Went and checked out a book about him, titled (what else but) " You are A Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity", his memoir.
I was literally stunned reading the book for I had formed a completely opposite opinion of him, thinking him an angry radical. Was I ever wrong. I've finished a second book of his and waiting for a third book he has written. Very good writer. Well, why not? He's been at it for years. I believe he molded some good kids while teaching them in Florida for two years. Then it was radio and television work from then on.
I haven't seen his show but have one of them waiting for watching. If I had access to television, I could watch it live, IF I could stay awake that long, 10pm. I seriously doubt that happening. Yawn.
O'Reilly is so intelligent, so conscientious, a good human being. Reading the second book, he speaks of the drug problems in our country ...and from other things I've read, the drug abuse issue, the dark world of drug trade is a fact, a tremendous and chilling fact of life. Bill proposed a plan that will literally abolish the widespread drug problem in 2 years! I can see it is definitely workable. Now why is it that all 'our supposed to be' brilliant folks up there on the hill' have not come up with such a plan? I'll tell you. Money is why. Too much money to be made with this drug business. And I'll guarantee that some of those folks 'on the hill' are reaping great benefits from the situation also. Read some about Mena, Arkansas! Read the book, "Trance- Formation of America"and you will get educated on the swill abounding everywhere. Information that should be known before you go vote in the upcoming election.
The drug business is well and prospering around where I live also. Pain clinics around and about, doctors passing out prescriptions like lollipops. A new methadone clinic is to be built in such a nice village a ways off; a negative situation for the homeowners and businesses they have there. Common sense would dictate the clinic being built nearer to the hospital district, instead of 17 miles away. But the commissioners of our town decided this move - against all those in that village.
Shocking. I hear stuff; that's how I know. Yes, I even have fear being out; how do I know what I may encounter out there. People moved in across the highway from me; they are being called "Meth Heads". My peace of mind now gone. Scary situation. I encountered one girl in my yard who was out of her mind with energy - physical movement and mouth-wise.
It is such a privilege to learn about Bill O'Reilly. We don't often find one who makes no bones about telling the truth, 'letting the chips fall where they may', so to speak. I admire him.
Yes, Sister Lurana said it right. Bill O'Reilly is bold and he is fresh. No doubt about it.