Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Thursday, March 26, 2020

How Quickly Life Can be Interrupted

It is now 24 days I've been stranded in the house. Daughter comes by with a bowl of nourishment/something every few days. Life is thin.  Cancer clinic Friday, hoping the news won't have me in a bawl.  I'm such a whiny in times of strain. Yet, it is what it is.  Came down with mild case of this virus lasting a week except this cough that won't go away, which with every 'hack' the abdominal rupture screams out. Haven't had the 'flu' in 34 years (that was BAD- day after a flu shot- my first and the last I ever had.  No, thank you).
and this virus was far milder.

Still 'walking' on rippling water though.  Thinking this will never go away.  The double vision is only a problem when my eyes are open!  It's been a very long three months since Christmas with all this nonsense going on.

Sun is gorgeous today so I have life by it's tail and a downhill tug in my mind at least but Oh, my how suddenly life can take a nasty turn. A beautiful spring upon me but any outside grubbing is my long-gone wish. Must try to unload this place soon or it will turn back into a forest. Shot the transmission in my almost brand new Snapper - brain had quit working; ah well.  Forget a fix for it; broke as a convict. 

You Need to Know This -We've Been Set Up!

How Did Dems Write a 1,119-Page Coronavirus Bill in 2 Days? They Didn’t – We’ve Been Set Up


How did House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer and the Democrats come up with a highly-detailed 1,119-page COVID-19 relief bill — packed with radical far-left "poison pills" — in the space of a single weekend?

How did House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer and the Democrats come up with a highly-detailed 1,119-page COVID-19 relief bill — packed with radical far-left “poison pills” — in the space of a single weekend?
