Monday, December 4, 2017

Thoughts on Compulsory Lie Dector Tests

I read these bold words below under a picture of a sheriff.  I think it has to do with a pedophilia sting news article about the goings on and entrapment of low dog employees at Magic Kingdom - but not certain.  If I'm wrong about this, please forgive me Mr. Magic Kingdom.  I'm sure you, yourself are only out to give joy to the little kiddies of the world.  Aren't you?

Or maybe you are only interested in suckering all the customers who shell out part of their life savings to you.

Anyway, this post isn't  about you, Mr. Kingdom.  Well, I guess you should be included too. It's about all these pedophiles  getting caught these days and my thoughts on what condition this country has full- blown developed into.  Really sick condition!

Wherever this happened, apparently in a county named Polk (lots of Polk counties around the country, I imagine) where  a Sheriff Grady gives his view on lie detector tests. 

Now here we go!  Listen up.

"Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd wants compulsory lie 

detector tests"

I couldn't be more agreeable to such a move.  Yet my opinion is that a test should be given to every last person who runs for a public office and every last person who is elected or appointed to one of our country's offices, including judges.  Give it to every last media worker too.

 Let's include all those former officials, office holders, right on back down the line, also.  I believe there have been and are now, too many in higher, responsible positions that probably have lived a life of lying to the American people.  It needs to be clipped in the bud!

Although I understand, lie detector tests aren't infallible, it may catch many of the crooks and deceivers who mostly are in the games for what and how to advance their own personal gain.
Something has got to give. 

So, first rule: you must take a lie detector test before signing on to reach your personal goal in politics, police work or any other profession or position in this world.  

I don't personally see those in the artistic world lying; yet who knows for certain? - I'm not talking about the entertainment world when I say 'artistic' either.

I've lived 76 years and my memory goes far back about crooked people jogging for serious positions of leadership and control.  I learned very early what a crooked business it is.  The crooked overshadow a truly upstanding, honest human these days - all the past days, for that matter;  their first thought is "What's in it for me"?

A recent sheriff of my county (finally beat out after twelve long years of real dirty dealings in the shadows and the light) got his come-uppence for his rotten incompetence. 

  Now this idea of lie-detecting could work to solve many problems before they become larger problems/worse ones, and if only those who give lie detector tests are honest and aboveboard.  I guess they should be the first ones to be tested or they may be being paid off as to how the tests are done.


  1. Heck, I'd be thrilled if they just gave them all drug and alcohol tests. That would weed out half of them!

  2. Considering how little trust I have in government these days, and how cynical I feel when I hear some claim to be "public servant", I wouldn't object to requiring lie detector tests. My youngest daughter works for a federal agency and she was given two lie detector tests - one at her first interview and another at her second follow-up interview - prior to being hired.


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