Tuesday, January 3, 2012

"Pictures Only" Day

Creations and Wornout Creators

C A, exhausted human, but one who greets each day with hope; some of his creations in background.  He truly is an artist, heart and soul, nothing coming out of books; always thoughtfully thought out and precise.  I'm very proud, pleased and fond of my brother, second to youngest. The cancer post-op.  CA won.

Such a creative but dusty job coming along

Once a nice Creation now being uncreated by Time
 How persistently Nature creates

Another idea from this creator's mind that didn't work out to my satisfaction.  Only some pieces are hard and preserved.  Coated gloss medium and varnish.  I may use them on a wreath.
apple peel, HOT pepper, rose hips, apple core

Esther's Creations - an artist with thread and needle

Reliefing Pain's Creation.  See the red imflammation?

Maude's creator creates my laughter.  Good Creation.

Another creation
 Spilled Oil in the Gulf.

     Castro, another creator.
 I enjoyed reading and learning about him.

5 Vintage Era Creations
Amber Goblets, 12 oz for sale

Universe Creating

Nature's Palette used in my yard

Proof I once created her laughter

Creating Another Dawn

Corpse Bloom, a rare creation

I bring Joyful Healing Sound Creation from the Crystal Bowl
for sale

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