Monday, October 12, 2009

Fashion-Conscious or Comfort? Which Will It Be? ***

Today I think the sky is going to fall. It's almost dark outside at 10 am. Will it rain or possibly snow? The air is really chilly as C, the Dachshund wouldn't stay out for more than a couple of minutes. I should have gotten him that shiny black hooded coat at the "unnamed huge box store that has taken over our town; the store that has taken over the world!" Wouldn't it look cute, except for being black and his coat being brown. I gave pause when looking at it and wondering if his very floppy ears would be a hindrance with the hood part. Probably; so I replaced it on the rack. No other coat would be of any use since they all were either miniature, small or medium - the medium maybe fitting an obese terrier. How does one keep their rottweiler or black lab warm?

If C is going to take a trip outdoors, I'm certain he wants to be fashionable. Color is an important factor. There was one loosely woven sweater that possibly would fit him, but what manly dog wants to go around dressed in a pink sweater with a huge pink bow adorning it?

Indoors he can roll up tightly in his large blanket, forgetting about fashion and just staying warm. It's a show watching him work to get covered and settle down for a nap. One morning, my pajama bottom fell off the bed onto his blanket. A few minutes later, I noticed he was wrapped skintight into the pajama leg. I don't know how he manages to get completely inside one leg but his former housemate, D H, could do the same. I remember one day looking down on her and she had wiggled into the sleeve of a flannel shirt and her nose pointed out of the cuff. Being hefty and stubbornly unwilling to assist me, it was some job trying to release her from the sleeve. I really miss that speckled dog. She was so innocent and unaware of danger; cars don't stop in my neck of the woods!

For the time being, C has decided it is much more comfortable to cocoon in his blanket and dream of those tail-flicking squirrels leaping through the trees with their found booty of butternuts, probably realizing he won't be chasing many in this nasty weather. The rain has come.

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